
“What you are looking for you already have…”

I was listening to a meditation recording by headspace the other day and it said “what you are looking for you already have, we don’t need to create something new.” Personally I thought this was brilliant.

So often we think that the next big improvement is going to come through a brand new supplement, piece of sporting equipment or phone app. However, chances are none of these things or gadgets are really going to create long term change.

The best way to create a new you to go with the new year is to create your habits. A few simple examples could include:

Get outside to grab your exercise. Take advantage of the beautiful Newcastle beaches, vitamin D and being submersed in nature for 10 minutes a day- ideally removed from technology.

Be conscious of your food choices and Just Eating Real Food (JERF) and choosing supplements that are going to boost not drain you. Temple Nutrition has been working great for me.

Take 10 minutes to meditate– Try to empty your mind and focus on just one thing as simple as breathing, it is a beautiful practice and something we rarely get to do these days.

Stand Vs sit even stretch in the workplace. The benefits for both are massive. If you’re are looking for any stretching or movement tips, at Transitions Chiropractic we are always here to help.

Get adjusted decreasing any stress or strain on your nervous system is designed to maximise your potential so that you may function at your best.

Get to bed earlier far and away the most under-utilised recovery tool. Each hour of pre midnight sleep is 2:1 in terms of recovery benefits.

So go on and discover your superpowers in 2016. At Transitions Chiropractic we believe that you have the power within you. We are always here to help tap into your natural super power as we absolutely believe that “what you are looking for you already have.”

Powering a better way to live,

James Staciwa


A video clip of a simple and quick stretch to improve everyday mobility- especially for all office workers.


A sweet Valentine’s recipe for your sweetheart.

Valentines recipe