Boom! Its here- it is time to get started and get running into the new year. Once of my personal goals this year is to meet each and every person I can with open eyes and a kind heart. I also plan ondoing the same thing with my health.
I have already picked a couple new personal challenges and am looking at trying to change my training to optimise my time both in the office and at home. The goal for the year is to be the best husband and dad possible and for me to do that I need to be the best chiropractor I can be. Given it is a new year we are already planning some changes but I need your help- apart from awesome chiropractic care what would you like to see us offer here at Transitions Chiropractic?
We are modifying our hours specifically on a Friday we will now be open 8-2 to better accommodate appointments before work and during lunch. We are also looking at conducting more workshops and events however, suggestions from topics to times would be much appreciated.
In keeping with the concept of a New year and a fresh start I wish to reaffirm exactly what it is that we do here at Transitions Chiropractic. We adjust the spine….
My role as a chiropractor is to check and adjust the spine to minimise any unnecessary stress on your nervous system and spinal cord. Ideally a spine that is moving freely will mean a body that is not suffering from muscular aches and pains, a body that can rest and relax and one that is not experiencing crazy shooting pain down the legs and arms. However, chiropractic and adjusting your spine is not a cure for all things. By adjusting- yes we will absolutely minimise any unnecessary interference that your body is under. However, a single adjustment will not fix years of poor posture, a rubbish work set up, inadequate sleep or any other way that you can think of that will help in destroying your body. Treating your body like an amusement park will eventually result in it falling apart. Chances are, with a misaligned body this will all happen way too soon.
Getting a series of adjustments not only puts your spine in optimal alignment, it gives the body time to learn this new position and create the neural and muscle memory required so that your spine adapts to more optimal position. All good things take time and training your spine into a new position is no exception. The end result means that your spine is in its best position to shock absorb and deal with the stresses that life throws at you each and every day. The better your body can shock absorb the less likely it is to suffer from needless pain and suffering. A spine that has been given the correct series of adjustments is always more malleable. Yes, similar to the amusement park, every now and then you will need maintenance however, maintenance always beats being shut down or out of order.
In 2016 take care of your best asset- your health and realise that true health comes from the inside out. A spine in balance is a body in balance and together this is one resilient and powerful combination.
James Staciwa
Monthly Recipe: Double Decker Lamingtons– Gluten and Dairy Free