
July Newsletter

First up July makes me pretty happy. Now that shortest day of the year has gone for me, everything starts to pick up. The sun is out for longer, change can’t be too far around the corner and I am only a few days away from getting Merissa and Cain back from their trip back to the USA! It’s been a long 5 weeks without them, but at least in the modern age of Skype and facetime they were never too far away.

One of the scary things about winter is that everybody seems to get sick. My question is why do we always get sick when the weather is just a little bit colder? Surely these amazing bodies of ours should be more resilient than that right? Surely with the right rest, fuel, mobility and a clear nervous system our bodies would have no need to seemingly fall apart when the temperature changes just a bit. It seems that these days the ways in which we get sick have a very businesslike origin. We have convinced ourselves that our bodies don’t really matter.

Disease is nature’s way of telling us that something is wrong. If we can somehow manage to balance our 5 spokes in the wheel of health, then the chances of our bodies performing at their best and ideally remaining pain free are even greater. So, how can we take care of the 5 spokes over winter? When it comes to Rest, to be honest, in the colder months you may need more. Nothing changes with respect to Mobility as your body always needs to move, but the beauty is it doesn’t really care how- if it is too cold outside there are plenty of indoor activities that can keep you warm. Positive thoughts should technically have zero reflection on the weather, however, I do think this is a little harder when it is cold and dark outside. Fuelling your Engine with the right nutrients in winter is super delicious and easy. There are so many appetising, warming winter foods out there that are jammed packed with nutrients that will absolutely give your health a kickstart. As for a clear Nervous System– getting checked by a chiropractor is still the best way to reduce any unnecessary interference to your master controller.

Now for the fun stuff. We had a great night on July 1st at our first mobility workshop and I really hope that I was able to pass on some valuable tips and tricks to those of you who were able to attend. Kate is going to be running the next event on Saturday 25th July at 10am. This workshop is a chance for people to learn how your body is able to tell you everything you need to know about the best direction for optimal health. It really does know everything! 

A word from Kate:

In this day and age, as James said, our working life can sometimes become the priority and this can take over our desire to stay in optimal health on a physical, mental and spiritual basis.
If you’d like to know more about how to be in-tune with your body, listen to the symptoms, respond to the alarm bells your body is telling you and absorb even more nutrients from your food, then this workshop is for you.
 Connection to all things in life starts with connection to you, your body, mind and soul, even what you put in your mouth! Check the flyer below for even more information.

We are also a little excited here as we are only a few weeks away from attending the Parker Chiropractic seminar at the Gold Coast which will be 3 days jammed packed of information, inspiration and learning. However, after that I am going to be a little sad- we loose Beth for her European juggernaut hoping she will be back in a few months. With that said, Marina has been here for a while now and we look forward to having her here in a more full-time capacity.

That is all from Transitions Chiropractic and personally- I am very excited for the warmer months ahead!!!


James Staciwa

Workshop: Saturday, July 25th @ 10am

Kate’s Recipe: Homemade Quiche
Gluten and dairy free
Grain free base

Kates Quiche


½  cup raw almonds
½ cup soaked raw almonds
1 cup pine nuts
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
1 clove garlic, crushed
Fresh herbs; thyme, parsley, basil
Spices; cumin, coriander, nutmeg
Salt n pepper
2 T tahini

Combine these ingredients in the processor until they come together. Add a little filtered water if need be.
Push the mixture tightly into a greased baking/quiche dish, pushing down with the back of a spoon so it is well packed in.
Bake in oven until golden brown.

8 eggs
2 tsp mustard
Fresh herbs
2 cups spinach, finely chopped
1 cup pumpkin, grated or finely chopped
2 red onions
Coconut sugar/rapadura sugar
3 cloves garlic, crushed
S + P

Chop red onion into strips, and fry off in pan. Add salt and sugar while stirring.
Combine eggs, mustard, herbs, spinach, pumpkin, garlic and salt n pepper in a bowl and mix together.
Place caramelised red onion on top of cooked base, and spread evenly. Pour egg mixture over the top and bake in oven at 180° until eggs are not wobbly anymore.
