Neck & Upper Back Movement
Exercise and movement are a great way to improve neck and upper back movement. Specifically increasing strength, prevent upper back hunching and reducing neck fatigue.
Exercise and movement are a great way to improve neck and upper back movement. Specifically increasing strength, prevent upper back hunching and reducing neck fatigue.
Carving out 5- 10 minutes each day for deliberate mobility practice can absolutely help reprogram body movement patterns, muscle and nerve tension. Mobility helps to
Mobility, a fantastic way to free low back pain and unlock tension. Here’s 4 ESSENTIAL MOVEMENTS for loosening and opening up the lower back. We
Leg Swings Looking to improve restriction in your hips and lower back? Static stretching doesn’t cut it, you need to move it. Try swinging your
Backstroke Do you need to increase your upper back and neck mobility? We do too! A great exercise to practise is Backstroke. If you want
Lying Supine & Viparita Karani The Lying Supine position is one of the most highly recommended and simplest positions that I could recommend you do.
Unlocking The Hips Hip Lateral Rolls The hips and lower back form the foundation block for the entire spine and nervous system. Their movement is
Keep The Neck On The Rails Neck Nods The upper neck and back is built to maximise front to back movement. The joints and vertebrae