
Category: HEALTH


A Fresh Perspective Ever gone to a seminar or an event and had your opinions completely and utterly turned on their heads? Only believing in

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5 Pillars of Posture

What are they? Why are they so important? “Posture is nature’s way of expressing energy.” Posture, it is something that we can always seek to optimise,

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Back To School

It is hard to know who is the most excited. Students, parents or teachers? Either way as the end of January rolls around it often

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90 Days

90 Days Can Massively Change Your Life….. We’ve talked about it before. We can change our habits in about 21 days.  I have even wrote

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Sitting Posture

Improve YOUR Sitting Posture Today Top 6 tips for improving your Sitting Posture: Step 1: Sit TALL. Aim to keep the spine as upright as

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