
Are Grandparents Superheroes???

What a beautiful start to daylight savings! Spring is well and truely here and as we spent the weekend with my parents in the southern highlands it reminded me again that family always comes first.

It took us 4 1/2 hrs for our family of four to get through what is normally a 3 1/4 hour trip however, number one- with kids in tow things take a little longer… Though once we arrived and were greeted by my parents, there was the usual hugs, cuddles and of course a bunch of good food that made the trip all worth while.

They don’t exactly live next door and sometimes they seem like a world away, but having grandparents that are active is so important to Merissa and I, but most importantly it’s fantastic for Cain and Peyton. Whether or not it was helping Poppy wash the car, feed the horse or going to the park with Juju, having grandparents that are still happy to play (and give the parents a break) is really nice.

Sure they do what most grandparents do- spoil the grandkids! Definitely way too much sugar and sometimes even over stimulation however, they also lead by example. They are the first to cook him a legit breakfast, take him to the park, show him the cows and horses, read to them, take them for walks and of course give lots of hugs. They aren’t superheroes, but now with 5 grandkids they keep it all going how?

real food: sure it’s not my diet, but there is a good amount of meat, veggies and fruit.

get adjusted: they happen to live in the same town as my first ever chiropractic lecturer so he adjusts them when required.

keep moving: between yoga, swimming, some light weights and taking care of the property, they don’t exactly stop for much.

mental stimulation: both avid readers! I still hate playing scrabble with them as their vocabulary is much more expansive than mine.

social networks: with all this they still help to volunteer with the local church and rural fire service.

Yes I know this will come across as a family shout out, but I do absolutely respect my parents and for the example that they provided me and of course my kids. Thanks mum and dad for not growing old- just older….